Ukraine Focus:
A 501(c)(3) Organization
Ukraine Focus is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization dedicated to providing humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine. As a registered 501(c)(3) entity, donations made directly to Ukraine Focus are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Our Mission
To provide humanitarian and medical aid to Ukraine using a needs-based, fully transparent approach ensuring the help gets directly to those that need it most.
Our Focus is on the Freedom and the Future of Ukraine.

Our Values

Our donors know exactly how their funds are being used and see first-hand the impact it’s having.
The aid we provide is directed to those who need it most and delivered on a needs-based priority through strategic partnerships at all levels of government and nongovernmental organizations.
Everything we do is focused on strengthening the Ukrainian community with a specific emphasis on communications, collaboration, and cooperation.
We have relationships with the highest levels of government as well as local organizations on the ground and around the world.

Discover the Albany-Bucha Rebuilding Initiative—a beacon of hope for Bucha, Ukraine. Devastated by war, Bucha seeks to rise stronger with your support. Join us in this movement of compassion and unity, making a difference in the lives of Bucha’s residents. Your donation is an investment in their future, lighting the way to healing and renewal. Help us rewrite the story of resilience and hope in Bucha.
READ MORE to learn how you can be part of this journey

Our close cooperation has now been formalized: a memorandum of cooperation was signed between the Command of the Territorial Defense Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Ukraine Focus. Together, we will continue to assess the needs for humanitarian and medical aid, address these needs, and monitor the targeted use of the aid. This is the work we have been doing and will keep doing. Ukraine Focus is grateful for the military’s high level of trust, as well as for the honorable mentions our team received. This recognition is a sincere acknowledgment of our efforts and the support of our donors.
Testament of a Donor
Glowing Face of Refugee Warms Ukraine Focus Donors
Donors seldom get to see their gifts put to work, but that was exactly the experience my wife and I enjoyed after providing funds to ship ambulances, children’s clothing, food, and solar-powered lamps to Ukrainian refugees. The continuing Russian invasion of the eastern European nation has sent thousands of civilians fleeing their homes, slaughtered regiments of soldiers defending the country, and destroyed the electrical infrastructure plunging the nation into darkness.
On the Ground
in Ukraine

Fouder & CEO Brock Bierman Featured in The Hill
Ukraine Focus
5900 Barclay Avenue
PO Box 150171
Alexandria, VA 22315
+1 (401) 580-92-00